Downloads & Datasets


CODEBOOK for Downloads & Datasets

  • Filename, type, and URL for all files listed in Downloads & Datasets on “Hashtag History”
  • Descriptions of each file
  • “Contains” section detailing meanings of column header for datasets

White Paper

  • Contains Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology.

R Script

Two notes about this R Script are in order:

  1. My R script does not contain beautiful code, but it is functional. I learned the basics of tidyverse and tidy text in about six weeks — and I’m still learning. I am sharing the script here for the sake of transparency.
  2. The R script does not contain all of the calculations presented in the content chapters of Hashtag History. I used Google Sheets as well as R to calculate counts and averages. In the R script, I note when I accomplished work for a table or figure in Google Sheets instead of, or along with, R.

Hashtag History R Script (.R file)

  • Download the R script for all chapters in Hashtag History as a .R file.
  • Requires R or RStudio to run.

Hashtag History R Script (HTML)

  • View R script and outputs as an HTML web page.
  • Download and open in browser to view.

Blogging Project Materials

Blog Post Master List (CSV)

  • Contains the rubrics used to assess Post 1 and Post 2 of the Blogging project.

Twitter Datasets

All Tweets Dataset (CSV)

  • Contains all tweets and associated metadata, including linenumber, linenumberW (women subset), date, time, tweet type, tweet id, user screen name, tweet text, URL, media links, retweet counts, and favorite counts

Sentimentr Values (CSV)

  • Contains tweet ids and sentimentr value scores.

GIF Embodiment & Sentiment (CSV)

  • Contains tweet_id, embodiment code, and sentimentr value for tweets in GIF subset.


  • Contains the syllabus used in Spring 2017 when I collected the data used for “Hashtag History.”
  • The syllabus includes learning outcomes, class expectations, and the assessments that formed the study activities.

End of Semester Survey

  • A copy of the survey distributed to students at the end of the Spring 2017 semester.
  • Survey gauged whether or not students had taken another undergraduate history course and perceived effectiveness of course expectations and assessments.